Category Archives: Tips from our Podiatrists

Our highly qualified and experienced Sydney podiatrists are experts in biomechanics and it’s our philosophy that the finest foot care requires an entirely bespoke experience. That’s why we are dedicated to providing entirely tailor-made diagnosis and treatment services. Book a consultation with our podiatrists in Sydney (Macquarie St)Darlinghurst and Randwick to discuss your condition and we’ll get you pain-free and back to full function as smoothly and quickly as possible, so you can return to the activities and life you love.

Ballerina feet and ankle hypermobility

ballerina feet problems hypermobility

Common feet and ankle problems in ballerinas and dancers. Hypermobility seems to be quite common in dancers. It can be an important consideration to make for dancers, particularly ballet dancers and ballroom dancers. It can be a significant risk factor for injury and later deformity like hallux valgus (bunions). Hypermobility can be influenced by genetics, […]

Can flooring cause foot and ankle pain in ballerinas?

ballerina foot pain

Common feet and ankle problems in ballerinas and dancers. Now, more than ever, we’ve seen an increase in injuries related to the type of flooring used for practice and rehearsal in dancers. A large contributor to the recent spike in flooring-related injuries has been online or at-home dance classes following dance studio closures due to […]

High power laser: an effective treatment for Plantar Fasciitis

plantar fasciitis laser treatment

What is Plantar Fasciitis? Plantar fasciitis is one of the most common causes of heel pain and is responsible for up to 10-15% of all foot or ankle complaints. The cause of plantar fasciitis varies, but it is thought to be a combination of dysfunctional lower limb biomechanics, over training and mechanical overload from excessive […]

Are orthotics bad for ballerinas and dancers?

orthotics for dancers ballerinas

Orthotics for dancers and ballerinas. A common misconception that we hear is that foot orthotics work like ‘crutches’ and make the muscles in the feet weak. The idea is that they ‘hold up’ the arch of the foot and therefore, weaken the foot and ankles muscles due to not having to work to support the […]

Causes and treatment of bunions in dancers and ballerinas

dancer bunion

Common feet and ankle problems in ballerinas and dancers. How many times have you heard that ballet or dancing causes bunions? ‘Bunions’, medically known as hallux abducto valgus, usually affects the big toe and is commonly highlighted as a risk particularly for dancers. This article discusses the impact of dancing on bunions and other causes […]

Mortons Neuroma

mortons neuroma treatment

Mortons Neuroma is one of the most common conditions we treat at Performance Podiatry. As Mortons neuroma has the potential to cause long term pain and disability, we choose to treat Mortons Neuroma as quickly and efficiently as possible. What is a Mortons Neuroma? Mortons Neuroma (or neuritis) is the inflammation and sometimes scarring of […]

Plantar Fasciitis

plantar fasciitis podiatrist

Plantar Fasciitis – Why see a podiatrist? Plantar fasciitis can be a severely debilitating condition, affecting your ability to do the things in life that you enjoy most. At Performance Podiatry, our podiatrists understand the impact that plantar fasciitis can have and it is their mission to see you recovered and pain free as quickly […]

Heel Spurs

heel spur treatment

What are heel spurs and how are they treated? A heel spur is a bony outgrowth (also known as an osteophyte) protruding from your heel bone and often requires an X-ray to diagnose. In most cases heel spurs are not a cause for concern and do not directly cause pain. They are generally a symptom […]

Toenail Fungus

toenail fungus laser treatment

Fungal toenail infections are unsightly, frustrating and affect approximately 14% of the population. Toenail fungus infections often appear as yellow or white discoloration of the toenail, with debris accumulating under the nail bed. Left untreated, toenail fungus can result in crumbling and thickening of the nail, rough nail ridges and spreading of the infection to […]

Ingrown toenail removal

ingrown toenail surgery sydney

Does removing an ingrown toenail hurt? Removing ingrown toenails can cause a great deal of unnecessary anxiety in all types of people. At Performance Podiatry we have witnessed burly men shaking and sweating anxiously while awaiting treatment. For this reason, ingrown toenail removal require a gentle approach. Luckily, there are various treatment options available to […]

Heel pain causes

heel pain causes

Have you ever jumped out of bed in the morning to be hit with pain under your heel? During the walking cycle the heel experiences incredible amounts of force due to body weight, gravity and momentum. This impact makes it very difficult for small injuries to heel, and so a cycle of chronic injury and inflammation […]

Shockwave therapy to treat Achilles tendinitis

Achilles tendinitis shockwave therapy

Achilles tendinitis (Achilles tendinosis, Achilles tendinopathy) has been documented as the most common overuse injury treated in sports medicine clinics. Achilles tendon injuries can be frustrating to treat as the healing process can be slow and often involves rest. Other common treatment plans include heel lifts, arch supports or orthotics, stretching, eccentric strengthening and non-steroidal […]