Tag Archives: Shin pain causes and treatment

Specialist ballet and dance podiatrist in Sydney

ballet dance podiatrist sydney

Ballet podiatrist Eastern Suburbs and Sydney. The team at Performance Podiatry is pleased to announce that specialist ballet dancer podiatrist, Tayla Forland, has joined our team. Whilst Tayla is qualified to treat all podiatry problems, she has completed further specialist training and certifications to assist all dancers with pre-pointe preparation and assessments, pointe shoe fitting […]

Common foot and ankle problems caused by snowboard and ski boots

foot ankle problems causes by ski boots

Our podiatrists’ guide to a safe ski season (with minimum foot and ankle injuries). Are you ready for the snow this year? With only a week to go until the Australian ski season begins, it’s time to get excited for a snowy Winter! But before you start hitting the slopes, there are a number of […]

Will ballet cause claw toes?

ballet dancer foot problems claw toes

Common feet and ankle problems in ballerinas and dancers. Claw toes, hammer toes, mallet toes, bunions and all the other similar changes and deformities are frequently noticed in ballet dancers, largely because of the movements and footwear. Ballroom dancers and Irish dancers often suffer similar foot problems. Though, deformity, pain and other complications should be […]

Can flooring cause foot and ankle pain in ballerinas?

ballerina foot pain

Common feet and ankle problems in ballerinas and dancers. Now, more than ever, we’ve seen an increase in injuries related to the type of flooring used for practice and rehearsal in dancers. A large contributor to the recent spike in flooring-related injuries has been online or at-home dance classes following dance studio closures due to […]

How do I get rid of shin splints?

how to get rid of shin splints

What are shin splints? Shin splints, also known as Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome or Tibial Periostitis, are a painful condition affecting the lower portion of the leg. It is commonly painful along the inside or outside of the shin bone, and is exacerbated by running or performing activities on hard ground. It is also often […]

Shin Splints

shin splint causes

Shin splints is caused by excessive stress on the shin bone and surrounding muscles. Causes and treatment of shin splints ‘Shin Splints’ or Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome (MTSS) is a condition whereby excessive stress on the shin bone and surrounding muscles causes aching or tired legs, or sharp leg pain that can be so severe […]